Associate Dean for Research and Professor,MarTREC Director
Dr. Heather Nachtmann is the Associate Dean for Research for the College of Engineering and a Professor of Industrial Engineering at the University of Arkansas. She serves as the Director of the Maritime Transportation Research and Transportation Center and the Mack-Blackwell Transportation Center. She received her Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh.Dr. Nachtmann's current research program focuses on economic and decision analysis of transportation systems focusing on inland waterways and rural transportation networks, cost and quality issues in the healthcare supply chain, and advanced methods for engineering economic analysis.
Transportation systems engineering Logistics modeling Healthcare supply chain Economic decision analysis
Transportation systems engineering Logistics modeling Healthcare supply chain Economic decision analysis
Dr. Nachtmann teaches in the areas of engineering economy, cost analysis, and decision modeling.
Cost Estimation Models Decision Models Industrial Cost Analysis Advanced Engineering Economics Transportation and logistics modeling Healthcare supply chain management Economic decision analysis
Cost Estimation Models Decision Models Industrial Cost Analysis Advanced Engineering Economics Transportation and logistics modeling Healthcare supply chain management Economic decision analysis