
Professor, The Twenty-First Century Professorship in Engineering, Department Head of Industrial Engineering

Edward A. Pohl is a Professor and Head of the Industrial Engineering Department at the University of Arkansas. Ed also serves as the Director of the Center for Innovation in Healthcare Logistics (CIHL). Ed previously served as the Director of the Operations Management Program. He has participated and led several risk and supply chain related research efforts at the University of Arkansas. Before coming to Arkansas, Ed spent twenty-one years in the United States Air Force where he served in a variety of engineering, operations analysis and academic positions during his career. Previous assignments include the Deputy Director of the Operations Research Center at the United States Military Academy, Operations Analyst in the Office of the Secretary of Defense where he performed independent cost schedule, performance and risk assessments on Major DoD acquisition programs, and as a munitions logistics manager at the Air Force Operational Test Center. Ed received his Ph.D. in Systems and Industrial Engineering from the University of Arizona. He holds a M.S. in Systems Engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology, and M.S. in Reliability Engineering from the University of Arizona, an M.S. in Engineering Management from the University of Dayton, and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Boston University. His primary research interests are in risk, reliability, engineering optimization, healthcare and supply chain risk analysis, decision making, and quality. Ed is a Certified Materials and Resource Professional (CMRP). Ed is a Fellow of IIE, a Senior Member of IEEE, Senior Member of ASQ, A Diplomate in the Society of Health Systems, a member of INCOSE, INFORMS, ASEM and AHRMM.
Reliability and Maintenance
Healthcare Logistics
Decision and Risk Analysis
Engineering Optimization
Probabilistic Design
Systems Engineering
INEG 2333 Probability & Statistics II
INEG 4323 Quality Engineering & Management
INEG 4433 Systems & Engineering Management
INEG 4443 Project Management
INEG 4383 Risk Analysis for Transportation & Logistics

INEG 5343 Advanced Quality Control
INEG 5323 Reliability Engineering
INEG 5383 Risk Analysis for Transportation & Logistics
INEG 5433 Cost Estimation
INEG 5683 Nonlinear Programming
INEG 5693 Heuristic Optimization
OMGT 5003 Introduction to Operations Management
OMGT 5013 Supply Chain Management
OMGT 5373 Quality Management
OMGT 5423 Global Competition
1. Hilliard,* H., Parnell, G., and Pohl, E., “Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Global Nuclear Detection Architecture Using Multiobjective Decision Analysis,” Recommended for publication in Journal of Systems Engineering.
2. Tong*, J., Nachtmann, H., and Pohl, E., “Value-Focused Assessment of Cargo Value Decreasing Rates,” Accepted for publication in Engineering Management Journal.
3. Gedik*,R., Medal*, H., Rainwater, C., Pohl, E., Mason, S., “Vulnerability Assessment and Re-Routing of Freight Trains Under Disruptions: A Coal Case Study,” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 71, 45-57, November 2014.
4. Medal*, H., Pohl, E., and Rossetti, M., “A Multi-objective Integrated Facility Location and Hardening Model: Analyzing the Pre- and Post-Disruption Tradeoff,” European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 237 Issue 1, 257-270, August 2014.
5. Medal*, H., Rainwater, C., Pohl, E, and Rossetti, M., “A Bi-Objective Analysis of the R-All-Neighbor P-Center Problem,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 72, 114-128, June 2014.
6. Nguyen, H., Rainwater, C., Mason, S., Pohl, E., “Quantity Discount with Freight Consolidation,” Transportation Research Part E, Vol. 66, June 2014.
7. Nachtmann, H., Mitchell, K., Rainwater, C., Gedik*, R., Pohl, E., “Optimal Dredge Fleet Scheduling within Environmental Work Windows,” Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2426, Marine Environment, Marine Safety, and Human Factors, 11 – 19, 2014.
8. Ramirez-Marquez, J., Hernandez, I., Rainwater, C., Pohl, E., and Medal*, H., “Robust Facility Location: Hedging Against Failure,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 123, 73-80, March 2014.
9. Nachtmann, H. and Pohl, E., “Emergency Medical Response Services via Inland Waterways,” Journal of Risk Management, Vol. 15, No. 4, 225-249, November 2013.
10. Nachtmann, H., Pohl, E., “Transportation Readiness Assessment and Valuation for Emergency Logistics,” International Journal of Emergency Management, Vol. 9, No.1, 2013.
11. Schneider*, K., Rainwater, C., Pohl, E., Hernandez, I., and Ramirez-Marquez, J.,, “Social Network Analysis via Multi-State Reliability and Conditional Influence Models,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 109, 99-109, 2013.
12. Miman*, M. and Pohl, E. "Multi-Objective Optimization of a Contingency Logistic Network through Physical Programming,” International Journal of Collaborative Enterprises: Special Issue on Transportation Modeling and Evacuation Planning, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2013.
13. Kamali*, B., Mason, S., and Pohl, E., “An Analysis of Special Needs Student Busing,” Accepted for publication in the Journal of Public Transportation, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2013.
14. Varghese, V., Rossetti, M., Pohl, E., Apras, S., and Marek, D., “Applying Actual Usage Inventory Management Best Practices in a Healthcare Supply Chain,” International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1-10, 2012.
15. Guzman*, M., Pohl, E., Schneider, K.*, and Rainwater, C., "Application of Reliability Methods to Social Networks," Journal of Military Operations Research, Vol. 17, No. 4, 51-58, 2012.
16. Ertem*, M., Buyurgan, N., and Pohl, E., “Using Announcement Options in the Bid Construction Phase for Disaster Relief Procurement,” Journal of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences: Special Issue on Disaster Planning and Logistics, Vol. 46, 306-314, 2012.
17. Nachtmann, H., Pohl, E., and Farrokhvar*, L., “Decision Support for Inland Waterways Emergency Response,” Engineering Management Journal: Special Issue on Transportation Management, Vol. 24, 3-14, September 2012.
18. Hall, K., Xiao*, D., Pohl, E., and Wang, K., “Reliability-based Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design using Statistical Methods,” Accepted for publication in the Transportation Research Record (TRR) Journal of Transportation Research Board, No. 2305 Pavement Management Vol. 2, 121-130., 2012.
19. Zhang*, F., Chimka, J., and Pohl, E., “Global vs. Sequential Learning Styles Related to Attitudes About On-Line Learning,” Computers in Education Journal, Vol. 3, No.2, 83-94, June 2012.
20. Xiang*, Y., Cassady, C., and Pohl, E., “Optimal Maintenance Policies for Systems Subject to a Markovian Operating Environment,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 62, No. 1, 190-197, February 2012.
21. Smith*, B.K., Nachtmann, H., and Pohl, E., “Improving Healthcare Supply Chain Processes via Data Standards,” The Engineering Management Journal, Vol. 24, No. 1, March 2012.
22. Smith*, B.K., Nachtmann, H., and Pohl, E., “Quality Measurement in the Healthcare Supply Chain,” The Quality Management Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4, 50-60, 2011.
23. Nachtmann, H. and Pohl, E., Catastrophes and Complex Systems: Transportation, “The Inland Waterway Transportation Systems’ Role in Response and Recovery,” Journal of Homeland Security, Available On-line, June 2011.
24. Medal*, H., Sharp*, S.J., Pohl, E., Rainwater, C. and Mason, S.J., “Models for Reducing the Risk of Critical Networked Infrastructures,” International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, Vol. 15, Nos. 2/3, 99-127, 2011.
25. Jampani*, J., Pohl, E., Mason, S., and Monch, L., "Integrated Heuristics for Scheduling Multiple Jobs in a Complex Job Shop," International Journal of Metaheuristics, Vol. 1, No. 2, 156-180, 2010.
26. Gade*, D. and Pohl, E. "Sample Average Approximation Applied to the Capacitated Facilities Location Problem with Unreliable Facilities," Journal of Risk and Reliability, Vol. 223, No. 4, 259-268, 2009.
27. Miman*, M. and Pohl, E. "Uncertainty Assessment Techniques for System Availability," International Journal of Reliability, Quality, and Safety Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 1 39-57, 2009.
28. Miman*, M. and Pohl, E., “Modeling and Analysis of Risk and Reliability for Contingency Logistics Supply Chain,” Journal of Risk and Reliability, Vol. 222 No. 4, 463-476, 2008.
29. Yeung*, T., Cassady, R., and Pohl, E., "Multi-State Selective Maintenance Decisions," Journal of Military Operations Research, Vol. 12, No. 1, 19-34, 2007.
30. Salman*, S., Cassady, C.R., and Pohl, E.A., "Evaluating the Impact of Cannibalization on Fleet Performance," Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 23, 445-457, 2007.
2014 University of Arkansas Alumni Award for Outstanding Service
2014 Elected Fellow, Institute of Industrial Engineering
2014/2015 Holder of the John L. Imhoff Chair, Department of Industrial Engineering
2013 Outstanding Research Award, Department of Industrial Engineering
2013 Outstanding Teaching Award, Selected by the Students in Industrial Engineering
2012 Outstanding Faculty member, Department of Industrial Engineering
2012 Outstanding Teaching Award, Selected by the Students in Industrial Engineering
2012 A.J. Golomski Award, QCRE Division of IIE, Best Paper Presented at RAMS 2011
2010 Outstanding Service to Students, Department of Industrial Engineering
2009 Outstanding Faculty member, Department of Industrial Engineering
2008/2009 Held the John L. Imhoff Chair, Department of Industrial Engineering
2007 Outstanding Service to Students, Department of Industrial Engineering
2006 Outstanding Service to Students, Department of Industrial Engineering
2005 Outstanding Faculty Member, Department of Industrial Engineering
2004 Outstanding Instructor, Department of Industrial Engineering
2004 Alan O. Plait Award for Tutorial Excellence, 2003 RAMS
B.S., Electrical Engineering, Boston University
M.S., Engineering Management, University of Dayton
M.S., Systems Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology
M.S., Reliability Engineering, University of Arizona
Ph.D., Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona