CIHL and the Industrial Engineering Department recognized by Allied Health World

Secondary Conditions Affect Length of Hospital Stay and Charges for HIV Patients
December 22, 2013

CIHL and the Industrial Engineering Department recognized by Allied Health World

Here’s a fact: the StethascopeBureau of Labor Statistics reports that, thanks in part to an aging U.S. population, all three of the fastest-growing careers in the country between 2010 and 2020 will come from the health care sector. Healthcare innovation and the future of the medical profession are hot topics nationwide.

Recently, a corporation that operates a vertical marketing and media online business in the United States and internationally, recognized ten Universities who are working to advance health care science and services for generations to come.

Among the ten, the University of Arkansas was listed, represented by the Center for Innovation in Healthcare Logistics (CIHL). The Center for Innovation in Healthcare Logistics (CIHL) is an industry-university partnership based at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville that leads a nationwide effort to identify and foster system-wide adoption of ground-breaking healthcare supply chain and logistics innovations.

Students have the opportunity to work directly with College of Engineering faculty on research projects that attempt to improve the realm of healthcare supply chain and logistics. Research projects focused on determining ideal forms of medication packaging and performing a thorough accounting of supply chain cost and quality drawbacks can lead to innovations that overcome roadblocks to quality care and foster an industry environment conducive to further progress. By collaborating with interested corporations and government agencies as well as healthcare providers, students can learn to bring a well-balanced perspective to their projects.

“I am pleased that CIHL is being recognized as a national leader in healthcare innovation.  This accomplishment brings great recognition to our talented faculty, staff and students within the Industrial Engineering Department at the University of Arkansas”, said Dr. Kim Needy, Department Head.

You can view the full article here:  10 Schools Driving Healthcare Innovation
Release date: 11/22/13